The following video documents setting up the patient services in the system. You decide which services you wish to capture, their value,
and their position on the data entry page.
The following video documents how to setup all the questions for patients during patient registration.
The following video documents how to setup user security at your clinics. This procedure is especially important at
mobile "popup" clinic where new volunteers are using your system to register patients.
This video documents the process used to register a patient for your clinic. It covers entering their initial information such
as name and address, and then answering the questions you have defined in the system.
The following three videos describe the paper document management process with PaRIS.
This is the first step in the paper document management process. This shows the use of the ScanSnap IX500 desktop scanner (about $450) but any paper to PDF or paper to JPG scanner will work.
This is the training for the document processing once the documents have been scanned by the ScanSnap scanner (or compatible) to files.
The next step is to upload them into the Spark Cloud storage.
This video shows how to use the uploaded forms.